True to tradition, an ensign aboard the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Pontchartrain composed a New Year’s Day 1969 logbook entry in verse, and a fine job he did of it. Ensign Hughes, Happy New Year to you, too, from 2023.

January 1, 1969 0000-0900
The great white Pontch is tied to pier C, berth 23.
All lines are weak and we hope they break free.
The night is cold and the sky is clear,
I was surprised to see old father time pass near.
We’re out of steam, receiving all power from shore
This New Year’s Eve on ship is a bore.
We’re controlled by a Commander with wisdom untold,
Who sits in the Eleventh Coast Guard District, I’m told.
There is another great white one astern (WHEC-67)
Whose record is not as impressive, I’ve learned.
At 0656 we looked to the East Line
And saw the sun shine on year sixty-nine.
The lights were turned out with a Boatswain’s mate’s shout; and the bottles of cheer were sink way on out.
At 0700 we rattled the racks
And the men got up with aching backs.
The men were tired from last night’s play
But like true Guardsmen, did the work of the day.
At 0800 the Stars and Stripes flew, and
We wish a Happy New Year to all of you.
- J.A. Hughes, Ens.
- Source: U.S. National Archives, Records of the United States Coast Guard, 1785-2005.